27 junio 2007

DAVID GUETTA vs THE EGG - Don't Let Me Go (Walking Away)

Without doubt, one of the greatest of songs of the last years for me, although it's being too much heard over there on TV (the advert of the transfromer car by Peugeot). Anyway...
It was created from two very different songs.
These songs were DAVID GUETTA with "Love, don't let me go" (2002), on the one hand; and THE EGG with "Walking away", on the other.
With them, TOCADISCO made a mash-up and released this one as one single: "Love, Don't Let Me Go (Walking Away)". The video of this last one is cooool! It drives me nuts! That of the parkour, and going crazy by the music when one gets touched by another one...

+ =

lyrics from the one + music from the other =

Don't Let Me Go (Walking Away)

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